Excel Public School

Zonal Chess Championship


Zonal Chess Championship began today at Excel Public School. Mrs Sathi M Kurup Principal, inaugurated the event. She congratulated the participants and wished them success. Mr. Akshay Kumar, B., P.E. Teacher, welcomed the gathering. Mr. Sajindran.C., Physical Education Teacher, IKKHS, Pandakkal, gave the felicitation. He thanked the school authorities for making excellent arrangements which made the event an attractive one. Mr. V. K. Sudheesh, Vice Principal, Mr Rajesh Kumar,K President PTA were present on the occasion. Mr Shaji P.T , Zonal coordinator, Mr. Anish Kumar, P.E. Teacher, Mr. Shyamsunder, P.E. Teacher, CEBHS S, Mahe, Mr Vishnu Dayanand Mr Sharath, P.E. Teachers, Excel Public School, Mahe coordinated the activities. The Championship will be over on 23rd September and all schools of Mahe region will participate in the event. Ms. Theertha Shaj, P.E. Teacher, gave the vote of thanks.